Outlander Jeeps
Enjoy the thrills and spills of driving as you vroom and zoom your way around our awesome purpose-built track in your very own electric Outlander Jeep.
For kids and big kids who really love their monster machines, these super-sized electric vehicles are great for kids aged 8+ to drive on their own. For those under 8, mums and dads can continue to hone their chauffeuring skills.
Enjoy three laps of driving for two tokens, and don’t forget to say ‘hi’ to the goats – they might even climb up for a quick tickle under the chin as you pass their pen.
Top Tips
- Right pedal for go, left pedal for brakes.
- Always keep your eye on the road.
- Be safe; wear a seatbelt
Whether you’re a Shetland pony named Daisy or a little farmer called Fred, our mission here at Fishers is to ensure that all who walk through our stable doors are welcomed with open arms. We hope that we've covered all the corners of the farm and that you’re ready for the fun to begin. Should you need anything else or have a question or query, we are on hand to help. Speak to a member of our team on site or get in touch via our contact page.