Christmas Family Survival Guide
We all love Christmas, but it can be um, shall we say, a little stressful???
we've put together a little family Christmas survival guide to give some "survival" ideas for the Christmas season.
Who loves a cheesy Christmas movie??? Rotten Tomatoes have a list of top Christmas movies. Now that will keep everyone occupied over the holidays!

Ove your Christmas music? Get yourself set up this Christmas with the 50 Greatest Christmas songs of all time from Time Out. So many great tunes in one place!!

Good Housekeeping have put together "25 Easy and Festive Christmas Crafts for Kids That Will Keep Them Busy Until Santa's Arrival".

If you have a sweet tooth like us, then you will love this! BBC Good Food have a HUGE list of naughty Christmas sweets recipes to make at home. Well, I don't think we will be waiting until Christmas to start on these! Maybe when the children have gone to be. Te he he.

Made for mums have put together a list of this year's must have toys for Christmas 2021 from the biggest sellers. Check out their list of the top toys and where to buy them.

The Independent have a great list of gift ideas for new parents. There are some very cute little items on their list.

Looking for something for your parents? Women's Health Magazine have a great list of 55 gift ideas for parents

Christmas might not be the most wonderful time of the year for some of us, or can just be a stressful time trying to organise everything and everyone! Mind have a Christmas coping tips page to help people to plan ahead, manage relationships and look after yourself.