Ready.... Steady.... Glow!
Ready…. Steady…. Glow!
Get ready to activate and stimulate your child’s senses!
The Fishers Team have been working their socks off over the last few months to create this exciting, new and innovative experience for you and your little ones to explore during your farm visit – it is certainly promising a feast for the senses!
Having launched the popular ‘Higgledy Village’ here at Fishers in 2017, with baby sensory room, musical instruments, bubble walls, and giant tree-house climbing zone, we think our brand new Glow Barn will be the perfect addition to our sensory play.
Opening soon! We’re so excited to show you all!
Watch this space.........
We have an abundance or indoor and sensory delights for you and your family to explore at Fishers Farm.
Baby Sensory Room - A den of sensory adventures for our little people to discover.
Soft Play zones - Have fun at the fair, in our new fun fair themed soft play, opened in 2020 and our
Higgledy Village - this amazing indoor play barn is the first of its kind in the UK