Lambs and Piglets Due Spring 2020
Exciting News! We have lots of babies due this spring
This Spring, some of our wonderful animals are going to become mummies and are due to have the cutest little lambs and piglets. We are so excited!Our newest arrival to Fishers Farm, is the gorgeous Marigold! This beautiful lady is due to farrow (give birth) in mid February. Marigold is a breed of pig called a Kunekune, which originate from New Zealand. Kunekune means "fat and round" in native Maori. She is expected to have between 8 and 10 piglets. We can't wait to meet them!Many of our ewes are also due to start lambing in just 12 weeks time! There's nothing quite like the sight of newborn lambs to signify the start of Spring!You can find out more about Fishers Farm animals here.